Let’s face it, Christmas can sometimes get a little stressful. Here’s how to put a little silly in your silly season.
The Conversation Game
Stuck for conversation at the Christmas table? This game is simple but fun. Older children will enjoy it as much as the adults. Make up a message and stick it underneath each person’s plate. The message should be a random sentence e.g.
- I only did it once, when I was in Hawaii
- I saw a meerkat at the zoo
- Then the computer crashed!
- My great aunt died on a Monday in March
- I don’t know about you, but I love ice-cream
The idea is for each person to incorporate their message into their conversation without getting caught. If a player thinks they’ve noticed a message, they can call the person out. If they’re wrong, they are excluded from any more guessing. The winner is the person who successfully got away with putting their message into a conversation without being caught. You’ll all get a laugh at the end when each person reveals their message!
The Sticker Game
Another fun game is the sticker game which can be played out over a few hours. Give each guest a sheet of (5-10) stickers when they arrive. The object of the game is for them to get rid of their stickers by sticking them on another guest. They are only allowed to put one sticker on a guest and if they get caught, they must take it off along with one other sticker on that person (if they have one). If they are falsely accused, they get to put a sticker on that person.
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